Wednesday, 12 January 2011

My DPS Analysis

This DPS links well with all of my other pages by using the same house style of black, white and red. The use of black and white gives it a professional and classy look which stands out and looks nice.

The Feature article is located on the left page and image on the right.
I have used three columns with a pull quote in the centre. The quote stands out withs its italic typeface, this makes you want to read due the attractive quote.

The Artist name at the top of the page which is large to take up space, also its elegent and attractive due to the style it is in.

The image used is very large and takes up a page. This image links to the feature article and who it is about and also to the cover. Also the black and white image creates a classy look like the rest of the pages.

Quite formal text has been used which will attract a more mature audience of teenagers and young adults.

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