Monday, 17 January 2011

Contents Page Anaylsis

My contents page still uses the house style and looks like the rest of the magazine.
I have used four images on this page. I have used a different model in the smaller images so there is more than one model being used. The same model gets repetitive.
The use of a list of contents saves space whilst allowing you to see what is inside the magazine.
The list is effective and suits the page.
The large typeface of "Contents" stands out and clearly states what the page is.
The larger image is effective and attractive and fits in well with the theme of the magazine.
The smaller images also fit with the theme of rock and work well together. I have also included some of an article about the small images to make the reader interested and engaged.

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Cover Analysis

This is my cover for my music magazine.
I have kept y house style to red, grey, black and white throughout my magazine. All of my pages link will with the colours used.
Plugs have been used on my cover and other codes and conventions. It looks professional and like a real magazine.
One large center image which is strong and stands out grabs the attention on the reader/buyer. An attractive teenager is on the front which will appeal to the audience because they would not like to see an ugly model on a magazine.
The plug "Blast From The Past" has a list of very well know Artists which would also attract readers.
The masthead stands out with its Zebra print pattern. It is attractive and unusual for a magazine to have a Masthead like this. It will not only attract readers but also stand out from other magazines on the shelf.
The tagline "Pursuit of the Heroine" tells you who the image is and what the fature article will be about.

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

My DPS Analysis

This DPS links well with all of my other pages by using the same house style of black, white and red. The use of black and white gives it a professional and classy look which stands out and looks nice.

The Feature article is located on the left page and image on the right.
I have used three columns with a pull quote in the centre. The quote stands out withs its italic typeface, this makes you want to read due the attractive quote.

The Artist name at the top of the page which is large to take up space, also its elegent and attractive due to the style it is in.

The image used is very large and takes up a page. This image links to the feature article and who it is about and also to the cover. Also the black and white image creates a classy look like the rest of the pages.

Quite formal text has been used which will attract a more mature audience of teenagers and young adults.

Monday, 10 January 2011

Sunday, 9 January 2011

Finished Music Magazine

On my cover i got rid off the banner at the bottom and the CD image. It did not look professional or attractive. Instead I have added some plugs and a Main Cover Line.
I still have the same Masthead and Image but I have just changed a few things around.

I have still used the same image on my contents but, I have completely changed the page from my plan idea. I did this to add more images due to the lack of them and because it didn't look that attractive. But now it looks more professional and like a real magazine.

This is the same as my plan and my draft. I liked this page and i fits well with the magazine. I did not feel the need to change any major things about the Double Page Spread except for the page number by making it red. Just to add some colour to the page.